Between 1930 and 1941, more than 50% of newcomers near Hearst came from La Beauce. The very first thing Rev Corriveau did when he arrived at Theresa Gold Mines was to identify every parishioner: 137 in all.
Among them: the Argouin, Avard, Asselin, Bazinet, Beaudouin, Bellegarde, Bizier, Blais, Bolduc, Bougie, Boutin, Brassard, Caouette, Charbonneau, Champagne, Couture, Deviliers, Duval, Doyon, Dupont, Fortin, Gagnon, Gilbert, Hébert, Jolicoeur, Maheu, Mercier, Moreau, Nadeau, Noël, Paquette, Paradis, Poirier, Pomerleau, Poulin, Provencal, Quirion, Rouleau, Roy, St-Aubin, St-Pierre, Tanguay, Veilleux …