Berliner Gram-O-Phone
For the very first time, one can listen to Father Couture’s Chippewa hymns.
They were recorded in 1920 and digitalized in February 2020.
100 years ago !
Take a listen:
In 1920, the missionary went to Berliner Gram-O-Phone studios in Montreal and recorded two Chippewa hymns on two separate one face discs.
Every Indian family would get a copy and listen to the songs on their gramophones. Indians were so pleased that they asked the missionary for more.
Five years later, Father Couture went back to Berliner studios only to learn that the Company had been acquired by The Victor Talking Machine Company. He then recorded on Victor labels, two masses and over 15 hymns.
Victor Talking Machine of Canada could not stand against the increasing predominance of radio in the sound recording business and had to merge in 1929 with the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and create a new company named RCA Victor.
In 2020, the author went to Atakama studios in Laval Qc to digitalize the two Berliner records which were given by Father Couture to his parents as a welcoming gift upon their arrival at Theresa Gold Mines.
Pour yourself your favorite drink, close your eyes, go back 100 years ago inside the Berliner studios in Montreal and listen to Father Couture Chippewa hymns.
Chippewa Hymn – Mi Ajigwa Wi Tibikak by Neendamishkang
Chippewa Hymn – Wedeimig Jesus by Neendamishkang