CADIEUX, Lorenzo, Afloat and Aloft, Brisson Printing, Biography of Father Couture, 1965, 148 p.
In this book, biographer Lorenzo Cadieux tells us about Father Couture’s life among Ojibwe Indians in Northern Ontario. He had to cover a huge territory: 74,437 square miles. By canoe during the summer and in the Winter with a dog-sled. Fortunately, Father Couture met with Louis Bisson who taught him to fly. Bisson accompanied the missionary during more than 4 years crisscrossing the Northern territories with his seaplane.
CHAPMAN, William, Gold Mines of Beauce, Harvard College Library, Levis, 1881, 65 p.
In the year 1846, gold was found for the first time at St-François, on the river Gilbert, a tributary of the Chaudière in La Beauce Qc. The finder was a young girl named Chotilde Gilbert. This was the first Canadian Gold Rush. It’s story is related by a journalist and poet named William Chapman.
DOLPHIN, F. et J., The Spiritual Journey of Aurelia Caouette. Plains Publishing inc. Edmonton 1993, 166 p.
McDonough, John Thomas, Charbonneau et le Chef, McClelland and Stewart,Toronto, 1968, 127 p.
In 1965 that McDonough submitted a manuscript in English relating the clash between Quebec PM Duplessis and Mgr Charbonneau. Title was “Charbonneau and “le Chef”. In 1971 the essay was turned into a french theater play that conquered Quebecers. In all, 161 representations all over the Province with a total of 264,200 spectators.
McVICAR, Donald M., Ferry Command Pilot, Words on Wings Press LLC, Third Edition, 2015, 220 p.
For almost forty years, the story of Ferry Command was unknown to the public. Now we know that Ferry Command pilots flew more than 10 000 airplanes over to Britain during World War 2. Louis Bisson, because of his unique flying experience over Northern territories along with his wingman Don McVicar, played a major role in establishing the Crimson Route from Goose Bay, then over Greenland’s icecap through Iceland and on to Prestwick, Scotland. Together and with experienced bush pilots, they were responsible for delivering warplanes to the Allied Air Forces overseas.
SODOL, Stan, Canadian T.V. ignores Ontario’s Rich Mining History, Huffpost, 2014
TORLONE, Joe G. The evolution of the City of Timmins: a Single-Industry Community, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1979
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ). 740 Galt West, Sherbrooke, Qc. Canada.
St-Hyacinthe History Center, Fonds Jeanne Daigle, 650, Girouard E. , Qc.
La Thérèsa Jean Simoneau, Les Éditions du temps, 1991, 591 p.